Brain Drain, Brain Gain and Brain Return Explained by a Model Based on a Comparable Individual Country’s Well-being Indicator (LISE)
Il Dott. Luca Liminta, dottorando del corso di Dottorato di Ricerca in Discipline Manageriali, Finanziarie e Giuridiche per la Gestione integrata d’Azienda presso la LIUC – Università Cattaneo, è stato premiato con il “Best Paper Award” all’interno della “4th European Academic Research Conference” che si è svolta a Zurigo (CH) 7-9 luglio 2016, con il paper dal titolo “Brain Drain, Brain Gain and Brain Return Explained by a Model Based on a Comparable Individual Country’s Well-being Indicator (LISE)” realizzato in collaborazione con il Prof. Massimiliano Serati della Scuola di Economia e Management della Liuc – Università Cattaneo.
“Brain Drain, Brain Gain and Brain Return Explained by a Model Based on a Comparable Individual Country’s Well-being Indicator (LISE)”.
Our paper aims to introduce a new model that will be able to explain jointly migration flows linked to brain drain, brain gain and brain return. Our simple indicator (LISE) measures level of individual well-being linked to each country and it was perfectly comparable. With our indicator it is possible to understand what are the drivers of migration flows, there is the possibility to prevent phenomena related to brain drain or to incentivate phenomena related to brain gain or brain return simply connecting the relative differences between the indicators calculated in various countries of the world. We have empirically tested the validity of our indicator on a sample of 12 countries. We have opened new avenues for research because using our indicator it is possible to make forecasts or to understand how and when a skilled migration flow can occur. We are able to prevent damages of Brain Drain and cross border skill mismatching using our simple indicator.
ISBN: 978-1-943579-06-08
Key Words: Brain Drain, Brain Gain, Brain Return, Migration flows, Skilled migration, Skilled Workers, Skilled Migration, Return Migration, Returns to Ed-ucation.
PhD Program LIUC - Università Cattaneo