
BIP (Blended Intensive Programme)

Campus ed opportunità
BIP (Blended Intensive Programme)

What is a BIP?

In the framework of the new Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027 a BIP is a new opportunity to carry out an international study experience.

The Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) allow students to carry out an experience of internationalization in a multi-cultural class in order to:

  • Create more opportunities for international learning
  • Support the development of a different modality of learning and an innovative modality of teaching
  • Stimulate the creation of transnational and multidisciplinary courses

The Erasmus+ BIPs propose to unite students and teachers coming from at least 3 different universities in 3 different European countries in one course.

The multi-cultural class will follow lessons partially online (in distance) and one week in presence in the organising country.

Title: Start-up Lab in the Circular Economy Environment (6 ECTS credits)

BIP’s layout

In this project, beside LIUC being the host and the organizer, the following Erasmus+ partner universities are involved:

  • Kempten University of Applied Sciences, GERMANY
  • University of Stavanger, NORWAY
  • JAMK University of Applied Sciences, FINLAND
  • Fontys Hogeschool, THE NETHERLANDS

The start of the course will be 25th March 2025 and the end will be 30th May 2025.

The lessons will start online through LIUC’s platform and will end with a week in presence which will take place in LIUC from 26 to 30 May 2025 (arrival in LIUC on Sunday 25th and departure on Saturday 31st).

Click here to download the programme of the course.

Students have to follow lessons both in distance and in presence to be allowed to take the final exam and, if positively passed, to obtain the credits.

The grading scale used will be the one at this link. Afterwards each university will “translate” the final mark into their own grading scale for the recognition of the course to the students.

Please find at this link the syllabus of the programme.

Title: Customer Experience and Customer Relationship Management (6 ECTS credits)

BIP’s layout

In this project, beside LIUC being the host and the organizer, the following Erasmus+ partner universities are involved:

1 – University of Namur (Belgium)

2 – HAMK-Hame University of Applied Science, Hameenlinna (Finland)

3 – HTW SAAR – Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken (Germany)

The start of the course will be beginning of March 2024 and the end will be 10th May 2024.

The lessons will start online through LIUC’s platform and will end with a week in presence which will take place in LIUC from 6 to 10 May 2024.

Click here to download the programme of the course.

Students have to follow lessons both in distance and in presence to be allowed to take the final exam and, if positively passed, to obtain the credits.

The grading scale used will be the one at this link using the ECTS grades. Afterwards each university will “translate” the final mark into their own grading scale for the recognition of the course to the students.

Please find at this link the syllabus of the programme.

Application to the programme

LIUC will suggest to book rooms in the following hotel nearby the university and will contact your universities to proceed with the bookings.

The Hotel is called: Palace Hotel Legnano (https://www.palacehotellegnano.com/en/).

The cost is 66.75 per night per person in a double room (breakfast included) which will be paid by the students.

If you prefer to book a room in a different place, please let us know by 06th March: bip@liuc.it .

Application to the programme

In order to take part to this programme students will have to complete the application online starting from the following link but having read first the instructions sent to the from bip@liuc.it in order to get the credentials and enter LIUC’s platform for the entire length of the course.

Arrival day and how to reach LIUC for the week in presence

Please, once you have booked your flight, send the flight details (outward and return) to the contact person at your home university and to bip@liuc.it

Here all the information: How to reach us.

Restaurants/ Pubs/ Supermarket in Castellanza

On the following link you can find some suggestions in the surrounding of the University.


Make sure you have the right plugs or adaptor for electricity in Italy

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