Here after you can find the courses offered in English in our 3 Schools divided according to the semester of offering. It is also indicated if the course is offered at Bachelor Level or at Master Level and the year of offer: 1, 2 or 3 for the Bachelor and 1 and 2 for the Master. Most of these courses are open to local and exchange students.
Courses by academic year
Languages and intercultural skills
The University offers Italian language courses at three different levels. The first level is recommended for all students who have had no previous exposure to Italian language and gives them the basic skills for their everyday life in Italy. The language centre offers courses in English, Spanish and French with the opportunity to sit international certificate exams such as TOEFL, BEC, etc.
Courses in intercultural competence and communication are also offered with the aim of helping students to better understand cultural differences and develop the ability to interact and work in an intercultural environment.
Examinations take place in the last week of the semester and students must be present until the last date indicated in the academic calendar.
Assessments may be written or oral examinations and attendance, assignments, participation may also count towards the final mark.
The Italian credit system is compatible with the European Credit Transfer System and is based on an annual workload of 60 credits (1500 hours). A semester is 30 ECTS credits and one academic year is 60 ECTS credits. One credit is worth 25 hours and is based on the total workload of the student (class time, individual study and exam preparation). A course which has 5 credits means a total workload of 125 hours with typically around 40 hours class contact time. Students may take up to 30 credits per semester.
Transcript of records
Students will be awarded ECTS credits for each successfully completed course and provided with a transcript of records that will be sent to the International Office at the home institution.
Visiting students will receive their transcript of records at their home address.
The University is part of European Credit Transfer System and all transcripts will show local and European Grades.
Academic calendar
A semester lasts 4 months. The first semester starts at the beginning of September and ends before Christmas holidays. The second semester starts at the beginning of February and ends at the end of May-beginning of June. For the current academic calendar please click here. Students following courses offered in English must be present in the university for the entire period indicated for each semester. Exams are held until the very last day of the semester.