Zona MONTE | Upper Level
- M1
- Uffici docentiFaculty Offices
- M2 | Torre
- ReceptionReception
- Segreterie di ScuolaSchools of Economics and Engineering
- Direzione LIUC Business SchoolLIUC Business School, Dean and Board
- Uffici DocentiFaculty Offices
- Segreterie LIUC Business SchoolLIUC Business School Office
- M3
- Biblioteca “Mario Rostoni”“Mario Rostoni” Library
- Aule Ossola“Ossola” Lecture rooms
- M4 | Business School
- Aule - LIUC Business SchoolLIUC Business School - Lecture Rooms
- AuditoriumAuditorium
- Ufficio tecnicoTechnical Office
- M5
- Centro LinguisticoLanguage Centre
- Sala studio dei Gelsi“Gelsi“ Study Room
- M6
- Bar dei GelsiBar
- Sala ristoroRelax hall
- M7
- Segreteria StudentiStudent Office
- Relazioni InternazionaliInternational Relations
- Esami di StatoState Professional Exams
- Diritto allo StudioScholarships and Financial Aid
- M8 | Villa Jucker
- OrientamentoProspective Students Office
- Career ServiceCareer Service
- Presidenza e RettoratoPresident and Rector
- Direzione GeneraleGeneral Manager
- ComunicazioneCommunication Office
- Amministrazione Finanza e ControlloFinancial administration and control
- Ufficio Personale e Risorse UmaneHuman Resources and Personnel
- M11
- Area ITIT area
- Ufficio RicercaGrant Office
- Ufficio DottoratoPhD Office
- Uffici DocentiFaculty Offices
- iEC - Institute for Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness
Zona OLONA | Lower Level
- O2
- Laboratorio i-FABi-FAB Lab
- O3 | Edificio Cantoni
- AuleClassrooms
- Aula BussolatiBussolati Conference Room
- Laboratori informaticiIT and Computing Labs
- O6
- Area Ristorazione Self – ServiceSelf-Service Restaurant
- O7
- Residenza Universitaria “Carlo Pomini”“Carlo Pomini” University Halls of Residence
- Reception ResidenzaResidence Reception
- Associazioni StudentescheStudent Associations