
Complementarities between organizational and (in-house and collaborative) technological innovation practices

Complementarities between organizational and (in-house and collaborative) technological innovation practices

testing for joint effects on innovative performance


Seminario di ricerca

21 Dicembre 2016– LIUC Università Cattaneo

Relatore: Paula Anzola


All’interno del ciclo di seminari rivolti ai docenti e ricercatori LIUC, programmati dal Prorettore per rendere meglio noti i temi presidiati in Università e dare modo a tutti i ricercatori di presentare i loro lavori con l’intento di costruire nuove collaborazioni di ricerca, la Dott.ssa Paula Anzola, dottoranda presso l’Università di Navarra (Spagna), ha presentato il suo lavoro relativo a “Profiting from Open and Organizational Innovation Practices”.



The research undertook in the context of my PhD studies is related to innovation practices adopted by firms and the effect that said adoption may have on performance. The thesis project aims to focus on specific typologies of innovation practices, such as open innovation and organizational innovation. Although managerial literature has extensively dealt with both the antecedents and the implications regarding open innovation practices, it has been noted the need to provide further understanding in how firms take advantage of them. As for organizational innovation, recent  literature shows the interest that has risen regarding this concept, several studies having addressed the topic of the effect derived from the introduction of said practices, both in isolation and in conjunction with technological innovation practices. However, to my knowledge, no study has been devoted to investigate the potential complementarities that could emerge due to the joint implementation of technological open innovation practices and organizational innovation practices.

The first part of the seminar provides a brief overview on the general thesis proposal and on the results derived from the two papers originated from the first stage of my PhD studies, both relying in qualitative research methods (i.e., case studies). Among the conclusions related to these qualitative research, I focus on the following: organizational innovation might indeed act as moderator for the positive effect that inbound open innovation has on firm performance, optimizing the benefits firms can take from the implementation of the latter.

Subsequently, the seminar devotes mainly to present the results of the current research, which uses quantitative methods in order to test the aforementioned conclusion from the previous research (i.e., whether the organizational innovations might optimize the benefits firms can take from inbound open innovations practices). The Spanish PITEC database (whose data is retrieved using the CIS methodology) is employed to estimate the causal effects (both direct and multiplicative) of inbound open innovation and organizational innovation on innovative performance: the generation of product and process innovations.

The results confirm well-know direct effects of internal R&D and inbound open innovation practices, as well as a direct positive influence of organizational innovation on the realization of both product and process innovations. The moderating effect of organizational innovation on the positive influence of internal and inbound innovation practices, however, is found only in the case of generating process innovation, the probability of obtaining product innovations resulting unaffected by the combination of technological (be it internal or inbound) innovation practices and organizational innovation.



Ufficio Ricerca


Seminari 2016


Pubblicato il 16 Gennaio 2017
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