15 febbraio 2018
LIUC - Università Cattaneo
Relatore: Prof. Janis Grasis
All’interno del ciclo di seminari rivolti ai docenti e ricercatori LIUC, programmati dal Prorettore per rendere meglio noti i temi presidiati in Università e dare modo a tutti i ricercatori di presentare i loro lavori con l’intento di costruire nuove collaborazioni di ricerca, il Prof. Janis Grasis, Associate Professor - Head of entrepreneurship and business informatics department - BA School of Business and Finance - Riga (Latvia), ha presentato ai colleghi il suo lavoro “From fiduciary deals to trust operations involving Latvian commercial banks: an overview of trust-like legal instruments in Latvia”.
Probably the statement issued by M.S. Amoss that “English trusts are spread throughout like eggs of the Cuckoo in the Continental law countries” is exaggerated; however, this expression has a truth.
Even in legal systems not based on English common-law and equity, there are law instruments essentially similar to trusts. Namely, the so called fiduciary deal, resulting in a fiduciary ownership, is one of the institutions analogous to trusts in European continental-law countries.
In pre-war Latvian fiduciary deals, fiduciary pledges were recognized, step by step, in the court practice of Senate.
Afterwards, Financial and Capital Market Commission of the Republic of Latvia enacted, on December 21, 2001, “Regulations on the Performance of Trust operations” (hereinafter – the “Regulations”).
Trust operations performed by Latvian commercial banks are based on a contract signed between the settlor and the trustee (a Latvian commercial bank) and the settlor of the trust remains the legal owner of the trust assets. For the commercial bank can offer trust operations, the contract must in writing and clearly indicate the rendered services, powers, obligations and liability of the parties.
As per above, the purpose of the workshop shall be to disclose evolution of the just-mentioned subject matter in Latvia and compare it to the trusts law in general and in other European countries too.
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