1 aprile 2019, LIUC - Università Cattaneo
Relatore: Marcello Esposito
All’interno del ciclo di seminari rivolti ai docenti e ricercatori LIUC, programmati dal Prorettore per rendere meglio noti i temi presidiati in Università e dare modo a tutti i ricercatori di presentare i loro lavori con l’intento di costruire nuove collaborazioni di ricerca, il Dott. Marcello Esposito (Scuola di Economia e Management della LIUC – Università Cattaneo), ha presentato ai colleghi il suo lavoro relativo a “The use of the blockchain beyond the cryptocurrencies: the case of copyright protection”.
Thanks to the digital revolution, the dream of a Knowledge Economy (KE) is becoming a reality. Unfortunately, a widening Intellectual Property (IP) Rights divide is appearing, too. And this divide risks to transform a utopic dream in a dystopic nightmare for creative people. The CreativitySafe project aims at closing this divide and protecting IP rights with the help of the blockchain technology. This technology provides a decentralized, universal and cost-effective way to prove the authenticity and the existence of a digital asset at a certain point in time. The embedded cryptographic algorithms guarantee the confidentiality of the registration process and the integrity of the data. Moreover, the registration is written in the universal and immutable language of mathematics and can then be verified anywhere in time and space, independently of any institutions or certifying agents.
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